What’s On

Supportive Therapy & Social Work

What's On?

Just be aware some events are completely free and some require admission fee (in this case we will contact you regarding dietary requirements, catering preferences and children numbers).

Individual Sessions

Confidence and self-esteem, mental health and well-being, motivation and burnout, depression, anxiety, trauma, mothers and fathers support, relationships communication, breaking negative habits.

Couples Therapy

Increase intimacy and respect, deepen knowledge, conflict resolution strategies, empathetically connect, change negative patterns, loss of identity after kids, co-dependency.

Couples Therapy

Post-natal depression, expectations vs. reality, traumatic birth, attachment parenting, relationship strategies, child-to-parent abuse, separations, work-life integration.

Upcoming Events

Mentally Strong Mums

“Mentally Strong Mums” Personal Workshops are at the reduced rate of $120 per session. Choose your top 4 sessions that you would love to understand more about (psychology & science influenced)- how this impacts your parenting style & how your children learn behaviour by watching you.

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'Couples Secrets' Sessions

“Couples Secrets” Personal Workshops help couples understand proven qualities of long-lasting relationships – that works for you both. These 4 sessions cover Sex & Intimacy, Healthy Habits, Communication & how to continue to build trust. These 4 sessions will be running for a limited time & valued at $150 per session – at the temporary reduced rate

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Past Events

Mentally Strong

Mentally Strong! For October Mental Health Month we are offering short online courses to our clients that are affordable and empowering. Self Care and what it actually is, why you may not be doing it and how it can benefit you if you implement these strategies every day. Motivation and how to get it, how to achieve your goals, how to stay motivated and learn about self-sabotage (procrastination) How to increase Resilience, this is so important especially during the times of Lock Downs and isolations, and how to inspire/teach your children to become resilient. Body image, how social media can affect you, how your past has influenced your own perception and how to get acceptance from yourself and not others. Finally, Self Esteem and confidence which we all need an it brings it back to Attachment Theory and the importance of your past- If you are interested, Call or Text to find out more 0447 015 571.

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Sandwich Generation

This free Webinar is investigating “The Sandwich Generation” and how we can support mothers. Then Sandwich Generation is a mother who is looking after her children as well as her elderly parents. Triple Decker Sandwich is a grandmother looking after her parents while babysitting her grandchildren.

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Adolescent Abuse Towards Mothers

Adolescent Abuse Towards Mothers. As the MHPN Brisbane Mums Mental Health Network Coordinator, this session is so important as I have had a few clients lately that this is relevant for them especially during lockdown. Learn what is Adolescent Abuse towards Mothers, Risk Factors, how it impacts the family, and importantly how it impacts our mothers. This also gives you strategies on how to makes things better, what you can do to address this problem and where to get help. If you missed it and would like more information, please contact me. Free Event for Professionals who support clients.

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Couples Counselling

This workshop is for couples to help learn how to increase intimacy respect and affection, how to have effective communication to reduce conflict, turn negative and predictable patterns that we get used to into new and desired responses, as well as addressing co-dependency and self-love, the balance of independence and how life changes when we have children. If you missed this Workshop for Couples, contact us to find out the new dates and he updated topics.

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Parents Who Thrive

I was requested to present this information session to the parents at Habitat Early Learning Centre. This should be information that is available to all parents to help them manage their new role as parents, how to evolve in the family dynamic, keeping your own values and identity while still being engaged in the family unit. Specifically, we will talk about Self-Care and what it actually is, Motivation and how to get it on the daily, Burnout and how to recognise it with the psychological consequences, the importance of Attachment Theory (check out my YouTube page) as well as basic parenting strategies to keep parents and children empathetically connect.

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Mums Do Coffee

These bite sized information sessions that were delivered to Mothers Groups. This is the third and final was part of a series to inform, empower and educate about real life experiences that mothers experience. This week was birth trauma, how do you know if it was traumatic (if you feel it was, then it is) the physical and mental impacts, how to move forward to build a secure attachment with your child while still caring for yourself.

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Push-Up Challenge

This June we are involved in the #pushupchallenge for awareness of Mental Health – All welcome to get involved!

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Gift Certificate

To our beautiful Mothers, this is an opportunity for you to come in and talk about what you want to, without interruption. This time is for you, about you, and the support that you may be looking for. Think about it, what does mum really want for Mothers day? Someone to listen to her. This is what we are here for, to support those who support others. We recognise our beautiful mothers and would like to offer a Mothers Day Gift Certificate for those in need.

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Mums Do Coffee

This is the first of three information sessions

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Playtime in the Park

We have been invited to have a stall at The Hills Playtime in the Park (The Hills District All Abilities Playground) Thursday May 20 @ 10am – 2pm. Come down and say hi and let the kids play with bubbles and tonka trucks while parents can relax and get to know each other. Look forwards to seeing you all!

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Mothers Support Group

Every week, bookings essential. If we have too many people we will need to reschedule you.

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Grief & Loss

Every week, bookings essential. If we have too many people we will need to reschedule you.

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New Mums Group

Every week, bookings essential. If we have too many people we will need to reschedule you.

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Counselling and Psychology can sometimes feel clinical and impersonal. We do things differently.

I feel a great therapist is considerate, warm and patient who listens to the needs of her clients. As a Social Worker in Private Practice with the foundation of a Psychology Degree, I use a holistic approach that is tailored to each persons unique and individual situation.

Using evidence-based psychological theories to normalise your current situation, and realistic achievable strategies to make a positive difference when you leave each session. All parties are heard equally and have the space to express their perspective, ultimately building stronger empathetic connections.

What We Do

Confidentiality & Ethics

I inspire positive change so you are excited about the possibilities to empower yourself, improve your Wellbeing and feel supported, encouraged and understood. This is my and why I have made a career on helping others. Everyone has a voice and we all deserve to be heard.

Feel Welcomed

My goal is to make you feel welcomed in an environment as peaceful and calm as possible. You will feel relaxed to open up about what is bothering you, Supportive Therapy and Social Work makes every effort to make every person feel inclusive & welcome.

Feel Protected

If at any time you feel that guidelines have not been followed, or you feel negatively about any interaction, honestly that is not our intention. Please tell us so we can make things better, for yourself and so we don’t make that mistake with anyone else. Everyone should learn and grow from negative experiences, so if you are dissatisfied or offended, please tell us so we can improve.

Feel Safe

All clients must agree to and sign the ‘Consent for Therapy’ agreement. This is to understand your rights & responsibilities. A copy of this form can be found at the bottom of this page; as well as copies of all the Australian Association of Social Workers Ethical Guidelines that I comply with. If you would like any clarifications, please speak with our friendly staff and we will help decipher any jargon that may be unfamiliar.


Get In Touch

Any questions? Send us a message and we will get back to you. We offer counselling, mental health & wellbeing, mothers support, couples therapy and psychotherapy in Arana Hills, QLD.

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Not sure if we are right for you?

Its perfectly normal to feel nervous about committing to see a stranger and expected to feel comfortable about opening up and being vulnerable. We understand. Before you commit, arrange a free 15 minute phone consultation to discuss if we are right for you. We want you to feel trusted, supported and respected.

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We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together. We are committed to cultivating inclusive environments for staff, consumers and carers and celebrate, value and include people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.


2 Glenlee Street
Arana Hills QLD 4054

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
8 AM - 5 PM

© Supportive Therapy 2022

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