
Emotional Eating: guilty as charged!

Manage emotional eating and turn it into motivation. Recognise when it happens, how to combat it when you are overwhelmed.

Reducing Burnout & Staying ‘Engaged’ over the Holiday

End of year burnout, how that can turn into depression or dissociating – and how to find yourself to enjoy the festive season

Wellbeing and Happiness – Evaluating Habitual Habits

What are habitual habits, how can you feel empowered to make small changes to shake up your routine – which will impact your happiness

People Pleasing – What’s the big deal?

People pleasing is problematic when your motivation is not genuine – know what type is healthy & how to stand up for yourself with boundaries

What is Youth Abuse towards Parents?

youth abuse towards parents

Very sad but it happens. Understand what is youth abuse towards parents, what is and how to support parents so they don’t feel alone.

Self-Sabotage; Why do I always do that?

Self sabotage why do I always do that

Self-Sabotage and Procrastination. Understand why you do it, how to stop it and strategies for motivation so you can achieve your goals.

Manipulation & the Gaslight Tango – How to Protect Yourself

manipulation and the gaslight tango

Understanding Manipulation and Gaslighting. The 9 types of Gaslighting and realistic strategies to protect yourself.

Living with the Enemy – Coercive Control

coercive control

Understand the signs of Coercive Control. What does Intimate Partner Violence look like. Know that it is Domestic Violence – and how to help.


2 Glenlee Street
Arana Hills QLD 4054

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
8 AM - 5 PM

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